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Online Course

Introduction to Negotiations

Total Credits: 3 Online Course

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We all negotiate every day. And even though negotiations are an integral part of our lives, techniques for managing these situations are not instinctive; they must be learned. Experienced negotiators make a conscious decision about what type of negotiation strategy to use based on a number of factors such as the importance of the relationship and the importance of what is at stake. Understanding key concepts such as the "best alternative to no agreement", reservation price, and the "zone of possible agreement" can help you conduct a successful negotiation. And since power is a fundamental dynamic in negotiations, it is important for negotiators to have a basic understanding of ways they can exert and also gain power in a discussion. This course should be an essential part of any basic business and management training.


Learning Outcomes

  • Define what negotiation is
  • Explain the differences between principled negotiation, distributive negotiation, integrative negotiation and mixed motive negotiation
  • Discuss what BATNA is and why it is important within the context of a negotiation
  • Describe the concepts of reservation price and ZOPA, as well as how they relate to one another in a negotiation
  • Describe the steps that should be taken to plan for a negotiation
  • Explain the ways that power can be used in a negotiation, and how power can be gained from different sources
  • Identify different behaviors which can pose challenges to a negotiation and may cause impasses
  • Apply the concepts of negotiation to two real-world scenarios

Key Features

Expert-supported Mobile-friendly
Accessible Badge and credit-awarding
Games & Flashcards Real-world case studies
Audio-enabled in app